
Lasiodora parahybana

Aphonopelma hentzi
Avicularia avicularia
Avicularia bicegoi
Avicularia versicolor
Brachypelma albopilosum
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Brachypelma smithi
Brachypelma vagans
Cyclosternum fasciatum
Eucratoscelus pachypus
Grammostola aureostriata
Grammostola rosea
Haplopelma sp.
Lasiodora parahybana
Pterinochilus murinus
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"Brazilian salmon pink birdeater"


Name: Gremlin
Sex: unknown
Age: juvenile
Lasiodora parahybana is a terrestrial tarantula that originates from the tropical rainforests of eastern Brazil. This species is one of the largest species in the world, some growing to the size of a small dinner plate (10"). They are fast growers and ravenous eaters. Gremlin has NEVER turned down a cricket ever and has grown leaps and bounds with every molt. They are fast moving, active and can be aggressive. The common name, "Salmon Pink" comes from the salmon pink hairs that stick out here and there on the tarantula.

